青獅伴我走過在學、求職及在職的歲月,是我成長的寶貴篇章。每一次服務,每一個崗位,每一位青獅都豐富我的人生故事,為我帶來不一樣的眼界和色彩。「領袖、經驗和機會」(Leadership, Experience & Opportunity)是青少獅薪火相傳的格言。奉行青獅精神,本年度的青少獅區會主題「NOVEL」,寓意與大家展開新的篇章。
Leo have been my companions through my years from student to workforce, and have been a valuable chapter in my growth. Every service, every position, every Leo that I have met has enriched my life and brought me different horizons and colours. “Leadership, Experience & Opportunity” is a motto that has been passed down from generation to generation. In the spirit of Leoism, the theme of D303 this year, “NOVEL,” signifies the beginning of a new chapter with all of us.
Through the contributions of our predecessors, Leo D303 have grown into a youth charity with more than 70 clubs and more than 1,000 Leos today. This year, with “NOVEL” as the focus, I look forward to seeing the district embracing the concept of innovation, and the Leos giving the district rich creativity and infinite possibilities, inspiring minds and stimulating the pursuit of our ideals. I look forward to working together to explore ourselves, to contribute to the community with from a new perspective, and to accomplish more excellent service. Let’s start this year’s journey together with creativity and enthusiasm, write our own Leo stories, and give full play to our strengths in serving the community to write a new chapter in this year’s journey!

國際獅子總會中國港澳三零三區 青少獅子區會會長